Martha Fay Burtis
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Teachers College, Columbia University
M.A., Instructional Technology and Media, February 2001
Masters Thesis Project: Developing a Web Presence for “Texts of Imagination and Empire: The Founding of Jamestown in Its Atlantic Context”
Mary Washington College
B.A., English with Honors, Summa Cum Laude, May 1996
Plymouth State University
Associate Director & Learning Developer, Open Learning & Teaching Collaborative, September 2020-Present
Learning & Teaching Developer, Open Learning & Teaching Collaborative, June 2019-September 2020
Support and partner with PSU faculty as they explore new approaches to pedagogy and student-centered learning. Advocate on campus and beyond for open approaches to education, from OER to teaching in public spaces to co-creating curriculum and knowledge with students. Facilitate workshops and programming that make entry into these conversations accessible to faculty at PSU at all stages of their careers. Explore and enact ways for PSU students to participate in university conversations about teaching and learning. Teach in PSU’s interdisciplinary studies program (IDS) and assist with advising IDS students as they build customized major programs for themselves. Publicly share the work of the Open CoLab and IDS, and invite colleagues from other institutions to partner with, contribute to, and share in the larger work of digital, open, and interdisciplinary education. Notable projects have included:
- Redesign and launch a new web presence for the Open CoLab, capable of growing with and adapting to the needs of the CoLab and IDS.
- Design a process for digitizing and making accessible past and current IDS student major programs.
- Facilitate the creation of Ungrading: A Chapbook, a short volume that pulls together various faculty and student voices around the topics of assessment and ungrading.
- Collaborate with CoLab colleagues on the creation and publication of the ACE Framework and corresponding workshop, an educational development program for planning during crises.
- Develop Design Forward, an emergent community-driven faculty development initiative to explore critical instructional design.
The University of Mary Washington
Director, Digital Knowledge Center, September 2014-Present
Oversee the hiring, training, and management of a cadre of students aides who provide one-on-one peer tutoring to UMW students seeking help with digital projects and assignments.
Special Projects Coordinator, Teaching and Learning Technologies, November 2008—August 2014
Manage ongoing, special projects to support the innovative integration of technology into teaching and learning at the University.
Director, Teaching and Learning Technologies, August 2007— October 2008
Acting Director, Teaching and Learning Technologies, August 2006—August 2007
Managed division of the University responsible for working with faculty to augment teaching and learning through the use of technology. Worked closely with the Chief Information Officer to shape the future direction of instructional technologies at the University.
Instructional Technology Specialist, August 2004—August 2006
Provided support and guidance for faculty interested in integrating technology into the teaching and learning environment. Assisted in determining the most appropriate technology to address pedagogical needs. Researched new and emerging technologies and regularly shared this information with faculty and other information technology staff. Conducted training workshops on technology topics of interest to the university community.
Mary Washington College
Instructional Technology Liaison, March 2001—July 2002
Served as primary technical presence for four academic departments. Provided assistance and guidance to faculty in envisioning and developing instructional technology projects. Offered input and advice on purchasing and allocation of existing and new equipment and resources. Assisted faculty with the integration of a variety of types of new technology into the classroom, including development of Blackboard course Web sites.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
New Media Editor, February 2000—September 2000
Managed new media product development for college textbook titles,including stand-alone Web sites and course management systems. Researched pedagogical implications of potential projects, planned digital presentation of both existing and developing content, and created product specifications and descriptions. Solicited bids from private developers and oversaw collaboration with content teams.
Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning
Educational Technology Assistant, September 1999—January 2000
Responsible for researching, developing, and editing content for online multimedia presentations of texts for Columbia University classroom use and individual study.
Teaching Experience
Plymouth State University
Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies, IP2225 (Spring 2020)
The University of Mary Washington
Digital Design Workshop, DGST 301D (Spring 2019)
Digital Journal Club, DGST 301B (Fall 2018)
Digital Project Consulting Practicum, DGST 483 (Spring 2016, Spring 2017)
Beyond the Selfie: Exploring Digital Identities, FSEM 100M7 (Fall 2015, Fall 2016, Fall 2017)
Digital Storytelling, CPSC 106 (Spring 2011, Summer 2011, Summer 2012, Fall 2012, Spring 2015, Spring 2018)
Identity & Citizenship in the Digital Age, AMST 202 (Spring 2012)
Digital Pedagogy Lab
Social Justice and the Curriculum (Summer 2021)
Introduction to Digital Pedagogy (Spring 2019)
Digital Storytelling (Summer 2018)
Domain of One’s Own, Co-Instructor (Summer 2017)
Other Work Experience
Madigram Media
Freelance Web Developer & Designer, November 2009—May 2013
Started freelance business to provide small business and non-profit Web design and development services.
The University of Montana-Missoula
Director of Web Development, October 2002—July 2004
Provided central coordination and management of the University’s Web presence. Developed both short- and long-term strategies for enhancing and improving the University’s Web environment.
The Folger Institute at the Folger Shakespeare Library
Program Assistant, January 1997—July 1999
Provided administrative and program support for graduate and post-doc seminars, workshops, conferences, and summer institutes in early modern literature, history, and political thought. Assisted with development of pedagogical materials, including launch of Institute’s online environment for publishing and sharing persistent resources.
Selected Presentations
A Look at Plymouth State University’s ACE Framework, Spring 2021, OERxDomains (Co-Presenter with Robin DeRosa)
Fine and Blurry Lines: Situating Students in Digital Work, Summer 2019, ATC 2019 Conference (Invited Presenter)
Neither Locked Out Nor Locked In, Summer 2017, Domains 2017 Conference (Keynote)
Messy & Chaotic Learning, Spring 2017, Keene State College (Invited Presenter)
Over, Under, Around, and Through: Reflections on Our Future, Fall 2016, Disruptive Media Learning Lab Expo (Keynote)
Making and Breaking Domain of One’s Own, Summer 2016, Digital Pedagogy Lab Institute (Keynote)
Modality Matters: Building Course Experiences with Care and Confidence, November 2022, Course Hero Faculty Series (Invited Presenter)
Domain of One’s Own: Digital Agency in the 21st Century, Fall 2015, Universidad del Sagrado Corazón (Invited Presenter)
Open Is As Open Does, Spring 2014 OpenVCU (Invited Presenter)
Technologies of Possibility: Digital Identity, Citizenship, and Personal Domains in the Classroom, 3T: Teaching, Techniques & Technology 2013 Conference, UC Clermont College (Keynote)
Who’s Afraid of Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and the Big Bad CMS? A Digi-Drama About Fear 2.0; EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative 2008 Annual Meeting
Small Pieces, Loosely Joined: Using Technology to Connect a Community of Learners; University of Central Florida Spring 2007 FCTL Conference (Invited Presenter)
Burtis, M. (2016). Making and breaking Domain of One’s Own: Rethinking the web in higher ed. Hybrid Pedagogy.
Burtis, M. (2021). Messy and chaotic learning. Hybrid teaching: People, pedagogy, politics, Hybrid Pedagogy Inc.
Burtis, M., et al. (2022). Rethinking social knowledge creation in the liberal arts: The history and future of Domain of One’s Own. Social Knowledge Creation in the Humanities, 2.
Quinn, J., Burtis, M., and Jhangiani, S. (Eds.), (2022). Toward a critical instructional design. Hybrid Pedagogy Inc.
Quinn, J., Burtis, M., and Jhangiani, S. (Eds.), (2022). Designing for care. Hybrid Pedagogy Inc.
Smith, A. L. and Burtis, M. (2017). A practical cultural resource survey tool for preservation. APT Bulletin: The Journal of Preservation Technology. 48(4), 43–50.
Stommel, J. and Burtis, M. (2021) Counter-friction to stop the machine: The endgame for instructional design. Hybrid Pedagogy.
Stommel, J. and Burtis, M. (2021) The cult of Quality Matters. Hybrid Pedagogy.
Selected Service, Awards, & Honors
Recipient of the 2022 Patricia Storer Award
Recipient of the 2015 UMW Richard V. and Rosemary A. Hurley Presidential Commendation
President, Kappa of Virginia (UMW PBK Chapter), Spring 2007
Recipient of CUMREC New Horizons Grant, Fall 2003
- Member, Kappa of Virginia (UMW PBK Chapter)
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